Intro to Federal Public Lands in the U.S.
America’s federal public lands are an amazing resource for all kinds of recreation—but how much do you know about the different kinds of public land?
America’s federal public lands are an amazing resource for all kinds of recreation—but how much do you know about the different kinds of public land?
Do something different on Black Friday—join NOLS in opting outside! Here are some of our staff's top picks for awesome places to #OptOutside.
Best Time to Take a Gap Year: Discover how any year can be transformed into an impactful and transformative gap year.
Stand out from the crowd by talking about NOLS on your resume
It can be challenging to clearly and concisely articulate your school and work history on just one page. Not to mention when you have to explain something like a NOLS course!
Luckily for you, a NOLS course gives you a competitive edge—it's unique, valued across industries, and gives you an opportunity to set yourself apart on an application.
My Playground, My Dad, My Leadership Voice
5 Things You Learn from Climbing (That Also Matter in Real Life)
NOLS alum Erica Levine Weber takes her experience on a NOLS semester and turns it into a lifetime of international travel with her family, taking her ...
3 Tips to Improve Your Outdoor Photography Game
Why City People Are Made for the Backcountry
11 Essentials to Complete Your Backcountry Kitchen
Educator Expedition: A Day in the Waddington Range
The Backpacker’s Guide to Happy Feet
Reasons to Take a Longer Trip
7 Simple Items to Upgrade Your Backcountry Setup
Tips for Visiting 12 Iconic National Parks
10 Junk Foods to Indulge in after Your Expedition
10 Ways to Celebrate While in the Backcountry
7 Musical Instruments to Take Backpacking
13 Signs You’re Having Trouble Getting Back into City Life
Backcountry Chilling Over Oil Drilling [Book Review]
Swedish master mariner and ships’ pilot Jonas Alexanderson tells stories from his 50th birthday present, a NOLS sea kayaking course in Prince William ...
Confessions from the Wilderness [Interview]
Thriving as Women Boaters on the Main Salmon River
NOLS Courses Are So Much Pun!
Quantifying the Unquantifiable: What I Learned after a Week in the Wilderness with the Archer School for Girls
How to Keep an Epic Expedition Journal
The Ethics of Cheap: Why You Don't Need the Newest Gear
Educator Expedition: Winter Exploring
You can make your own low-cost & lightweight instant backpacking meals using items from your local grocery store.
Learn ways to protect yourself from sunburn and how to treat it
How to Choose Wildness Every Day
Bring your feline friend, your beclawed bestie out for an advenpurr.
See where you should take your gap year with this quiz!
9 Tips to Help You Deal with Homesickness
Not sure where to start with gap year planning? Check out these 8 steps to help you plan for your gap year.
The NOLS Underground: Caving
There's a lot to wonder about before a NOLS Expedition - find answers to common pre-course questions here.
Educator Expedition: A Multimodal Loop in Texas Big Bend Country
An outdoor gap year teaches you things that you would never learn in a traditional classroom.
Why My Semester Group Thrived
Here are 11 great ideas for how to get outdoors this winter.
How NOLS Made Me a Better Restaurant Manager: The Northstar Cafe Story
Why Getting Outside Is Good for Students
Are you stumped about what to buy for the NOLSie in your life? Jump-start your brainstorming with this list of gifts: simple, but guaranteed to make ...
Educator Expedition: Climbing and Bike Touring in the Northwest
Whether it's going for a walk with your llama pal, cleaning up the local park, or eating leftovers outside, get inspired to #OptOutside on Black ...
The Alps vs. American Wilderness [Interview with Curtis Bartosik, Part 2]
Ways to Celebrate Halloween in the Backcountry
Who Needs a Hat? A Lesson from My Australian Adventure
Just a few things many women already do that make them leaders in the outdoor activities they love.
The NOLS Guide to Fall Clothing
Remote and Unyielding
Terrifying and Beautiful
Teaching "NOLS and Nature Stuff" in Vietnam
Why Go?
Leadership in Action: Small Business Owner at Age 15
What To Do When You’re Lost in the Woods
Slowing Down in the Absarokas
Keeping Racers "Cowboy Tough" for Four Days
Lightweight backpacking has a lot of advantages. You can travel further with the same amount of effort, and less wear on your body. It also requires ...
Get some tips from NOLS Wilderness Medicine on how to prevent, recognize, and respond to potential tick-borne illnesses in the outdoors.
Four-Day Adventure Race? Let’s Go!
7 Great Activities for National Trails Day
Educator Expedition: Reading the Rapids on the Colorado River [Video]
Weathering Storms and Riding Waves: Interview with Jim Acee (Part 2)
Take a Ride! It's Bike to Work Week
Future Global Leaders Thrive at NOLS Rocky Mountain
Educator Expedition: Focusing on the Soft Skills
Taking "An American Ascent" to Middlebury [Trailer]
Inspiring Inclusion Through Sharing Our Cultural Stories: José González at NOLS Faculty Summit
Stories from an epic ski traverse of Rogers Pass
Get Outside! 4th Grade Outdoor Education Day
Microadventures: A Way of Life
The Value of Hot Sauce: Thoughts from a Backpacking Course
Our Guide to National Park Week 2015
NOLS Icon: Nancy Pallister, Building Leaders with Grit in the Winds
Educator Expedition: Rock Skills, Rappelling, and Revelry in Joshua Tree
Educator Expedition: Tackling Mexico's Highest Mountain
Expedition Denali stories inspire in Lander and beyond