How One Outdoor Educator Builds Sense of Place (and How You Can, Too)
NOLS Instructor Oscar Manguy shares the way he carefully builds a framework for sense of place in order to connect students to nature while on ...
NOLS Instructor Oscar Manguy shares the way he carefully builds a framework for sense of place in order to connect students to nature while on ...
America’s federal public lands are an amazing resource for all kinds of recreation—but how much do you know about the different kinds of public land?
An open conversation with NOLS Instructor and Environmental Stewardship Coordinator Jonathan Williams.
What if LNT also meant taking it a step further and trying to reduce your impact before you even set foot in the wilderness?
One of the first things students learn on a NOLS expedition is how to practice Leave No Trace—the golden rules of minimum impact camping. Poop responsibly (yes, there’s a whole procedure). Don’t leave wrappers behind. Camp on durable surfaces. And so on...
Now's the time to apply lessons learned outdoors, like practicing LNT, having a positive attitude, and managing risk responsibly, to the frontcountry.
The NOLS Tanzania Scientific Expedition is a unique opportunity to design and implement a scientific research study—and summit Mount Kilimanjaro!
It's no secret: wildfires are scary. If you're planning an outdoor trip in a fire-prone area, adding risk management strategies into your trip plan ...
Randy Aton, NOLS alum and Springdale city councilman, discusses the balance between wilderness and community.
NOLS and the outdoor recreation industry are rallying behind the Securing Outdoor Access for Recreation Act.
You're probably already familiar with the seven Leave No Trace principles—here are some additional tips to guarantee your next hike is low impact.
The world is already starting to feel the effects of climate change. Here's some examples of how your next outdoor trip might be affected and how to ...
NOLS Wilderness Medicine grad Carina Ahlqvist will be the first Scandinavian woman to summit Makalu— but that's not why she joined the 2018 Climate ...
Environmental stewardship is a foundational value at NOLS and greenhouse gas reporting is one way we're engaging with climate change mitigation.
Fixing outdoor gear isn’t complicated, as long as you have a few of the right tools.
Besides saving money, choosing durable gear means conserving natural resources and minimizing your carbon footprint by not constantly replacing your ...
In 1965, Paul Petzoldt founded a wilderness school built on the principles of environmental stewardship, values that continue to guide NOLS today.
You're a pro at LNT on the trail, but do you ever think about applying these principles at home too? Get started with some tips from NOLS staff ...
The 7 Leave No Trace principles aren't just for camping. Here are some ways you can apply them at home as well as outdoors.
The importance of the 2016 designation of Bears Ears National Monument.
Backcountry Chilling Over Oil Drilling [Book Review]
Instead of contributing organic matter to a landfill, try composting with a few simple steps. It’s easier than you’d think!
Ugly Boxes Doing Beautiful Things: How You Can Do Sustainability
Get some inspiration for sustainable practices from each of our locations around the world.
Celebrating Earth Week at NOLS
Whether it's going for a walk with your llama pal, cleaning up the local park, or eating leftovers outside, get inspired to #OptOutside on Black ...
How an Outdoor Enthusiast Managed Two Decades in the City [Interview with Curtis Bartosik, Part 1]
The Wilderness Act: "Leaving a Glimpse of the World as It Was"
NOLS HQ Starting to Create Solar Power
The Story of Gear: Reuse as an Ethic and Necessity at NOLS
Wilderness: What National Parks Are For
Working to Keep Wyoming Streams Held to Higher Standards
How to Give Effective Feedback to Land Managers
Yahoo!, Inc. global director for energy and sustainability strategy Chris Page connects her NOLS gap year experience in Baja with her path to her ...
Weathering Storms and Riding Waves: Interview with Jim Acee (Part 2)
New Film Features American Icon: Sage-Grouse
Beyond the Ration: Sustainable Food at NOLS
Get Outside! 4th Grade Outdoor Education Day
Bringing smart water conservation practices to NOLS Southwest
Earth Day: Living Sustainably at NOLS India
Take the Challenge: 2015 WY Outside Challenge
Team 2020: Leaders in Sustainability
Wyss Campus Acquires More LEED Certifications
Supporting NOLS through Solar Time
CNG Truck at NOLS
DEQ Aims to Downgrade Essential Streams in Wyoming
Wyoming Legislature Angles to Annex Federal Lands
The Governor's Task Force on Forests
Wyoming Youth Outdoor Bill of Rights
Solar in the Southwest
What's On Your Roof?
What a Day for a Solar Array!
Solar Power at NOLS Rocky Mountain
Rocky Mountain Solar Project - New Video!
Solar panels going up
Give me some solar