NOLSies At Work: Sustainability & Conservation


Oct 1, 2020

Moose on a gravel river with forest and mountains in the background
Photo by Tim Kelly.

While we know that many NOLSies do amazing work in the outdoors, here we're going to take an opportunity to name just a few NOLSies who are working hard in sustainability and conservation

NOLSies At Work in Sustainability & Conservation

Miho Aida, Environmental Media Artist, Outdoor Adventurer, & Educator

Portrait of Miho Aida receiving NOLS award

Miho Aida earned the 2018 NOLS Alumni Achievement Award and is an award-winning documentary filmmaker for her work The Sacred 
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Randy Aton, City Council Member

Portrait of Randy Aton

Elected to the Springdale city council in 2018 (population 600), Randy’s sole agenda is to keep the town a vibrant, pleasant place to live. Randy is a a rock climber, river rafter, power plant-based civil engineer, and a former NOLS instructor.

Lucas St. Clair, Conservationist in Maine

Yemaya and Lucas smile from a kayak

Lucas and his wife Yemaya met on a NOLS Semester in Patagonia in 1998. Later, they turned their environmental ethic to protecting an area of the North Woods in Maine.

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NOLS is a nonprofit global wilderness school that seeks to help you step forward boldly as a leader.

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How NOLS Ruined the Old Me

Scenery in the Wind River Range
Photo by Erin Sullivan.

The summer I was 19, I went on a thirty day Wind River Wilderness course.

It wasn't like I was outdoorsy. I never went to summer camp as a kid. I was in Girl Scouts, but I only lasted until we had to sleep in tents. Then I was out. I was not the kid playing in the dirt.

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