Where Should You Take Your Gap Year? [Quiz]


Mar 21, 2016

You’re ready to spend some time exploring before heading to college—but where should you go?

Take the quiz and find out!


Now that you have a location in mind, it's time to turn your dreams into reality. Discover the incredible NOLS Gap Year Programs that in your desired location, and embark on a transformative journey like no other. Start your adventure today!

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NOLS is a nonprofit global wilderness school that seeks to help you step forward boldly as a leader.

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Using Your Wilderness Medicine Skills to Treat Pets

Hiking in the snow with dogs
Photo by Kirk Rasmussen

“Wound care is wound care, regardless of the type of mammal. I find that knowing the patient assessment system and other treatment principles is helpful, even with a dog. Pup has diarrhea? Palpate the abdomen to see if there’s specific tenderness. Dog is lethargic? Consider ‘ins and outs’ and if that’s affecting energy level.

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