On the very first NOLS course, students walked into the mountains wearing the same outfit. A single patch decorated every shirt: the stars and shield logo that represented the National Outdoor Leadership School.
Today, we don’t make students wear the same outfit, though sometimes the wind pants or bright red medical kit fanny packs make it seem like we have an unofficial uniform. Plenty of different logos have decorated the gear of NOLS grads through the years.
Here’s a little walk through the evolution of the NOLS logo to what it is today.
Patches and Logos of NOLS
This is one of our oldest patches, and we brought it back in 2015 for our 50th anniversary celebration!

Some logos were loud and colorful…

...some were simpler...

...and sometimes we got a little creative.
NOLS Wilderness Medicine introduced their classic ice axe and rod of Asclepius design when they started as the Wilderness Medicine Institute in Pitkin, Colorado in 1990, and maintained the logo when they joined NOLS in 1999.

With our new logo, we’ve done things a little differently.
The Look

The new logo shows a two-peaked summit in front of a sunset and highlights our new signature color.
It shows our belief that you get real life skills and knowledge through determination and overcoming adversity in the wilderness. It also speaks to our legacy as the leader in wilderness education.
NOLS Wilderness Medicine Badge

In the past, you’d usually see the NOLS Wilderness Medicine logo appearing independently on your wilderness medicine course materials and other outlets, or side-by-side with the NOLS logo.
Now, you’ll see a badge that you earn when you graduate from a NOLS Wilderness Medicine course, adopting our new signature color and joining the school’s diverse offerings under the NOLS logo.
Students, alumni, employees, friends, and family from across the school all come together into one “NOLS” family, with the new NOLS logo serving as the umbrella bringing us all together. You can look forward to receiving your new badge when you certify in wilderness first aid, as a wilderness first responder, or WEMT.
Take a look at the logo in action:

For some folks, this logo may simply be a new sticker in a new color. But for us, it announces who we are and what we value: challenge, grit, and preparing for whatever life throws your way.
If someone asks you what “NOLS” means, you can tell them about the course you took, or explain why you carry first aid supplies even when you're in a city. We hope you'll wear the logo proudly as you head into whatever wild awaits you.
Written By
Molly Herber
Molly is a NOLS instructor and writer. She loves the smell of her backpack and does her best writing before 7:00 am. When she's not scouting the next post for the NOLS Blog, she's running and climbing on rocks in Wyoming. Follow her on Instagram @mgherber