How to Communicate with Emergency Services Using a SOAP Note
Knowing the SOAP note steps can help communicate accurate information to providers, which is especially useful now that more providers prefer a phone ...
Colleen Kelley is the Marketing Coordinator for NOLS Wilderness Medicine. She graduated from Kenyon College in 2018 with degrees in film and English. When she's not writing/making or analyzing (aka binge watching) films, you can find her running (literally) around Lander or trying to find someone to pump her gas (because she is from New Jersey and that's not legal there).
Knowing the SOAP note steps can help communicate accurate information to providers, which is especially useful now that more providers prefer a phone ...
To reduce the strain on local health care facilities during a global crisis, you can step up and use your first aid training to treat some injuries ...
See why a former camp counselor thinks all camp staff should have wilderness medicine trainings!
Take this Wilderness First Aid quiz to test your knowledge about basic WFA skills.
Even if you’ve never fly-fished, NOLS Wilderness Medicine has advice to prepare you for the hobby’s common risks, especially in the early season.
The horror movies turned out to be real—it's time to adapt your wilderness medicine skills to survive zombies!
Build on your wilderness medicine training and take your outdoor skills to the next level at the Wilderness Risk Management Conference (WRMC).