The Alps vs. American Wilderness [Interview with Curtis Bartosik, Part 2]
The Alps vs. American Wilderness [Interview with Curtis Bartosik, Part 2]
Alex Phillips worked as the NOLS European recruitment coordinator. Alex has been on multiple NOLS courses, including an Outdoor Educator course in the Rockies, which she took for professional development while working at an international school in Switzerland. In addition to working for NOLS, she is currently completing her master’s in experiential education at the University of Cumbria.
The Alps vs. American Wilderness [Interview with Curtis Bartosik, Part 2]
How an Outdoor Enthusiast Managed Two Decades in the City [Interview with Curtis Bartosik, Part 1]
6 Tips for Planning a U.S. National Park Road Trip
Photo essay on paddling and backpacking in Alaska's Brooks Range
A parent with international experience weighs in on the values of wilderness experiences
Microadventures: A Way of Life
The Alps Don’t Have Everything: My Decision to Take an Outdoor Educator Course