Our Favorite Winter Photos

By Molly Herber

Dec 21, 2015

We know you might be busy working or studying right now, so here are some amazing photos to feed your soul until the next time you can play outside.

The top of the ridge

NOLS participant looks out at a snow-covered ridge while backcountry touring in the Rockies Skiing in Wyoming's Absaroka Mountains. Photo by Adam Swisher.

Checking out the conditions

looking out at morning snow in the trees through a tent flap Surprise snow on a summer course. Photo by Mauricio Clauzet.


A winter wonderland

NOLS participants pull sleds while backcountry touring in a winter wonderland in the Rocikes Ski touring in Wyoming. Photo by Matt Burke.


Winter Reflections

NOLS participant pulling a sled in the snow while backcountry touring is reflected in someone's sunglasses A NOLS student pauses to take it all in. Photo by Jared Steinman.


Epic splitboard

splitboard sticks out of a mound of snow in front of a sweeping view of mountains and clouds Splitboarding (backcountry snowboarding) in Wyoming. Photo by Eric Haskell.


#Throwback to the 1970s

two NOLS participants on a winter course in the 1970s smile at the camera in a snow kitchene  Digging a snow kitchen. Photo courtesy of the NOLS Archives.


Swallowed in the landscape

Mountaineering camp nestled in a snow field A camp on a mountaineering course. Photo by Kyle Duba.


Winter stars

star-studded sky above dark pines and snow shelter on a NOLS winter course A snow shelter and snow kitchen on a winter course. Photo by Fredrik Norrsell.


Winter, we love you

NOLS participant pulling sled looks out across a snowfield to distant mountains while backcountry touring Touring near the Tetons. Photo by Jared Steinman.

Love playing in the snow? Learn to backcountry ski or snowboard on a NOLS winter course.

[Editor's Note: Blog post updated 12/18/2018.]

Written By

Molly Herber

Molly is a NOLS instructor and writer. She loves the smell of her backpack and does her best writing before 7:00 am. When she's not scouting the next post for the NOLS Blog, she's running and climbing on rocks in Wyoming. Follow her on Instagram @mgherber

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Group of four people smiling and wearing touring skis with mountains in the background

Meeting the Experts: NOLS Winter Instructor Kate Koons

Group of 4 people smiling and wearing touring skis with mountains in the background
Photo by Kate Koons

Kate Koons has a love affair with winter sports.

It began when she learned to ski as part of an after-school program in northern New Jersey.

"There was one lift and one Poma and many of my first memories revolved around trying to push my sister off the Poma lift, or not fall down while skiing the icy moguls to the bottom."

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