NOLS Wilderness Medicine Courses to Reopen in July 2020
After months of planning, NOLS Wilderness Medicine will start running courses for the first time since suspending courses in March due to the global ...
As the Assistant Director of NOLS Custom Education, Ben leads a team that specializes in blending NOLS' curriculum and unique approach to leadership education with the goals and culture of our clients. Ben became an instructor in 2009, joining the school as a sailor after a first career as a science journalist. In the intervening years he's expanded into hiking, rock climbing, and mountaineering courses. In addition to his work in Custom Education, over the years he's also managed curriculum publications for NOLS, edited A Worthy Expedition: the History of NOLS, and managed vehicles and maintenance at NOLS PNW. He lives in Lander with his wife and daughter. Even in land-locked Wyoming, they still manage to get out sailing occasionally on the mountain lakes in their homebuilt 20-foot sailboat.
After months of planning, NOLS Wilderness Medicine will start running courses for the first time since suspending courses in March due to the global ...
Meet the author of the book A Worthy Expedition: The History of NOLS.